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(Popularity Rate: 51 ) Are there any realistic sex dolls on the market that look just like famous porn stars? If so, how do porn stars feel about it? Are realistic sex dolls an alternative to prostitutes if a man wants sex but worries about STDs?
enerally look similar. There are some that are modeled not only after various porn stars physical features, but their genitals are also molded to make it look and feel the same (although of course it does not), so to be as close as possible to looking like them. If you mean realistic as in human-like, no. We are a ways away from making sex dolls that are close enough to human like to actually sexy real doll pass as human. We can get a reasonable facsimile, if youâre willing to pay for it, but it still falls into the uncanny valley[1] and weâre a ways out from changing that.
If so, how do porn stars feel about it?
Porn stars profit off if it. They basically license their likeness and then every time someone buys a sex doll that is based on them and/or their genitals, they get paid. How they each individually feel about that, you would have to ask them, since porn stars are human and each have individual, human feelings about things, but in general they probably are fans, since it makes them more money.
Are realistic sex dolls an alternative to prostitutes if a man wants sex but worries about STDs?
This question or a version of this gets asks on Quora at least once a week. No, sex dolls are not sex. They are masturbation aids. If a man (or woman) wants sex, they will find a sex doll a poor substitute because a sex doll is not a human and sex is not sex unless it is with another human. Some people might be happy with masturbation with sex dolls and other aids, but in general, people enjoy sex because of the connection with another person and a sex doll cannot do that. Sex dolls, no matter how realistic they are, are not people and using them is masturbation, not sex. If we ever get to the point where sex dolls gain sentience, it could be sex, but then it would be no different than having sex with a human (i.e. youâd need consent).
STIs are actually relatively easy to avoid if you take the steps to mitigate risk. Open and honest conversations with sexual partners, using barriers, getting tested frequently and only having sex with people who also frequently get tested, and other such safer sex practices are far better ways to avoid STIs, but yes, sex dolls would work too if you donât mind not having sex at all. T
(Popularity Rate: 91 ) Will sex robots replace sex dolls in the future? Can these things replace those emotions and physical pleasure that humans experience during real intercourse?
s – but not just the women. As things are right now, even the most realistic doll which can look like a real women in a picture and feel like real skin to the touch is still a mere fabrication, incapable of any movement or even changing facial expressions in the least. On the other hand, many have options such as natural body heat for the emotional types who just want someone to hold.
The one doll that can move itâs head and eyes while making facial expressions, and even talk Realbotix
(formerly known as Harmony) is still an early product and in my personal opinion they donât look nearly as realistic as the TPE dolls from asia, but they are advancing.
If a doll could not only look and feel like a real woman, but also simulate facial expressions and move in a realistic manner, it wouldnât even matter if they are really sentient or not. People in general are clearly capable of forming emotional connections with things that can even give the impression of being real.
The same could then likely be said for the emerging market of male sex dolls. Whereas right now they have permanent erections, when female dolls can be sufficiently mechanized so too would the male dolls with the capacity to form realistic erections. Combine that with AI and you basically have the perfect man who can listen to you, speak with you, clean for you, and pleasure you however you want to be pleasured.
My prediction is that such dolls, as they enter the market, would begin to fill a niche market with those who are driven, but lonely. Men and women who have active careers and either no time to date, or not interest in it. Even without sex dolls, people in some countries have already stopped engaging in sexual relationships with other real people for similar reasons.
Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?
In one anime series, Chobits, the backdrop of the story involved nearly life-like robots who could replace a human for most actions. Be it male or female, you could see people walking the streets happily with their robots. Throughout the story though you see examples of attractive women dealing with low self-esteem due to the fact that men in general didnât need to approach them. There were still people dating, but the consequence of being able to custom order any woman you want is that natural flesh and blood women will have trouble competing.
Of course, thereâs still one thing real flesh and blood women will always have over machines, and thatâs the ability to procreate. Or so people think. Truth is, there is a type of technology being slowly developed – the artificial womb – which would allow a child to grow outside of a womanâs body. At present, laws on use of federal funding actually force all fetuses to be aborted within the first few weeks, but if the technology was allowed to fully mature it would allow women to abort a pregnancy without aborting a life permanently ending the abortion debate all together. Of course, feminism in general opposes it because of the perception of this technology replacing women.
If this technology was then miniaturized and placed within a robot body it could easily allow for a robot to get pregnant and carry a child to term. Of course, it would still require genetic information from the mother, but if that information was synthesized to match her features it could still work. Case in point, we already have the technology to obtain a personâs face from their genetic information left at a crime scene, so thereâs no reason why it canât be reversed.
This was the theme of a movie actually: Armitage III.
The background of this movie was that early Mars colonists were predominantly men and had a shortage of women needed to procreate. Androids were built specifically to be capable of carrying a child, but before the project could be completed Mars formed an Alliance with the then heavily Feminist driven Earth government, who would have frowned on the idea of artificial women used to bring children. As a result, these Androids were hunted and killed – some of which already pregnant with human babies.
In any case, demand will drive innovation to meet that demand whatever that demand is, and this will lead to a level of realism for these dolls to have other uses. If a doll is real enough to pose as human, it can naturally do housework or watch over children. This will of course be a good thing, freeing people up to have their home looked after regardless of itâs assigned gender.
From there though, such dolls could fill other niches. Consider, for example, the case of a sexless relationship. All to Sex Dolloften either partner in a relationship will complain of a lack of intimacy, which often leads to infidelity. sexy real doll Even if the other partner would be OK with it, the complexity of new emotional ties can threaten a relationship. Alternatively, maybe neither wants to explore other partners. In such a scenario, a doll can be a suitable replacement for the level of intimacy they would otherwise not receive, which some people are already doing with sex dolls today, but can be more common in the future.
Dolls at this level of advancement could even help to give people the feeling of parenthood, which was the theme of a movie even. Of course, in that case the level of emotional complexity grew so advanced that he couldnât deal with the feeling of being abandoned.
Additionally, society would need to grasp with if it will allow child dolls to exist that are so realistic. It could give a parent the feeling of nurturing a child, it could give a child a playmate, but it could also give a pedophile a sexual outlet. In this case, be they a male or a female, be their preference a boy or a girl, they can have exactly what they want however they want it. Personally, I believe that this would be positive overall, but many disagree and thatâs going to have to be resolved by society as a whole.
In any case, the fact that there are so many science fiction stories in media that approach such a future from so many angles shows tha
(Popularity Rate: 51 ) If it were possible to acquire a robot that was designed to look and act like a human, could you imagine yourself having an intimate relationship with it?
t your spouseâs internal composition? As far as you know he/she can be a robot designed to look and act like a human too. What difference does it make?
Oh, because a robot cannot feel anything? Have you never been fooled Chinese Sex Dollby someone who acted as if they felt something but in reality they didnât? Of course you have beenâ?people do that all the time. What another person feels has very little to do with how you feel about being with them. Weâre not in love with other peopleâs feelings, weâre in love with their expression of feelings, and whether there are actual underlying biochemical processes (i.e. emotions) inside them while they are expressing themselves in a particular way is not something we can ever know. We can, of course, guess that that is in fact the case. But whether it is or isnât the case has little to do with what we feel about experiencing their expression.
So the only difference between being with a human and a perfec
(Popularity Rate: 75 ) My parents are visiting, where do I hide my girlfriend?
Why do you do things that you think you should hide?
Do things that you can be proud of and when you share with your parents, their hearts should swell up with pride Robot Sex Dolltoo.
(Popularity Rate: 99 ) If I bring a sex toy from Japan to India, what problems could I face in customs?
virtual mall where many merchants can sell items.
In fact, many merchants in the U.S. for example sell the same exact items which You can get on AliExpress or Amazon for much more money. Are you willing to pay much more for the same item just so you can say you bought it at this particular place? Whatever floats your boat.
It is a fact that much of what we buy non-foods wise come from China. So anyone who suggests that youâll get sick by buying not from them? Buyer beware of seller!
In another example: Have you read or seen the actual fast food you buy looks like before it is cooked? Are you willing eat pink slime or meat with tiny maggots just because it comes from a name-brand fast food store?
AliExpress has just as many good toys as well as thousands of other products as any store such as Amazon or a brick ân mortar store do. Which means they also have just as many bad toys as Amazon or a brick ân mortar store do!
So buyer beware is a blanket suggestion.
Iâd much rather discover a bad toy and have paid little for it on AliExpress versus having paid a premium amount at a brick ân mortar store or Amazon sexy real doll and have to go through the displeasure of having to return it or find out that I canât return it.
The great thing about online shopping is that you can compare many places and many products and also the same products to determine who has the best price for what you want. Today, the majority of people have to make due with less money. So that means making better more calculated decisions on what and where we spend.
Quite frankly, Iâve saved a ton with AliExpress and my experience has been no different. You learn what is safe to buy by comparing and looking for apples to apples rather than apples to grapes (try to find the exact same thing that you or other reviewers tell you are good buys). Iâve have found so much that I could have bought in my own country on AliExpress (apples to apples). But with AliExpress and more often than not free shipping, I have saved literally thousands of dollars over the years. Which means that the same products where purchased from China by merchants in my own country, only to be sold at much higher prices had I bought them from these merchants rather than the ones in China on AliExpress. Same too goes for Amazon but I will have payed more on Amazon than AliExpress for the same exact item.
If you are not good at researching a product before you buy, then of course you will pay much more over time for far far far less by buying from those who have huge markups on items other people buy for a fraction of the cost. And this is expected in a country where everything is costly. So you see, that local merchant is trying to make money by buying where it costs less (China) if they can get the same product their competition is selling there.
Often youâll buy product that is re-branded so that you do not know it came from China. Thanks to the lies of Marketing it is always Buyer Beware now days!! There are many good merchants in China who have a quality mind and do not generally sell bad products to anyone. Its true
(Popularity Rate: 77 ) If you were God, would you be mad at the men, who are a part of your creation, and who permenantly replace real women with silicone love dolls?
ls or robotic partners?
An answer by a serious approach:
If I become mad about something humans do or donât do, I would know for certain that I am NOT God. The monotheistic idea of God becoming angry or mad about something earthly, is so silly idea that only silly human minds can attach such typical humanistic attribute to something noble like God.
This silly idea is just part of the major egocentric trend dominating the organized monotheistic religions. Itâs the same trend which placed the earth as the center of the universe and then the same egocentric trend placed itself (the human ego) as the center of Godâs creation. And then it made the God to become a servant of the human needs & whims.
In short, what you ask is just the result of the dogmatic teachings by organized monotheistic religions. Those teachings have created the God as nothing but just a projection of their own humanistic ego.
All this isnât meant to support in any manner menâs bad habits which you ask specifically about them â?or anybodyâs bad deeds.
This was an answer by a serious approach. Next answer of mine to this will be by a humoristic approach.
A humoristic approach:
If I was a God, then instead of becoming mad about it, I would ask myself wh
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